Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming of hardware devices, and it is widely used for the Internet of Things. In addition, Node-RED provides a web browser-based flow editor, which can be used to create JavaScript functions. So in this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to integrate Qubitro with Node-RED.
Node-RED Setup:
To use Node-RED services, you must first install Node JS on your PC. Download node JS from the following link in your browser.
Go on to the next step.
To install all the requirements, select the extra dependencies.
After you’ve completed the installation, you’ll see a page similar to this one.
Execute the following at the command prompt to install Node-RED.
npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
To launch Node-RED, execute the following command in the terminal after successfully installed.
You can see in the url in the terminal server now running at
In your browser, go to the URL mentioned above. The Node-RED dashboard is now visible.
This is how the Node-RED Dashboard page appears.
First, we must install the MQTT Plugin for Node-RED. To do so, go to the menu option.
Choose “Manage Palette” from the drop-down menu.
Install MQTT Plugin by going to Palette and searching for it.
After successful installation, the MQTT In and MQTT Out menus appear in the network section.
Select MQTT Out and add it to the flow, then select Injection Palette and add it to the flow, making a connection between MQTT Out and Injection Palette.
Qubitro Setup:
Open the and create a new account. Once logged in, create a new project and MQTT connection. Please follow the instructions in the video below.
Finally, we must link our Node-RED dashboard with Qubitro. Please see the video below for instructions.
The finished dashboard looks like this.
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